ELDER MADISON BOWEN, AKA DADDY, WHILE MOST OF THE FAMILY CALLED HIM POPS, I AFFECTIONATELY ALWAYS CALLED HIM DADDY, (I think it was a father and daughter thing, LOL)….We were so blessed of the LORD for him to have 91 years of life. To GOD be the Glory!
Being a person born in the 1929 and then to have lived in the millennial and see the advancement of technology in so many aspects, it was amazing to him in our talks. I would often ask him at different times , {“daddy, did you ever think you would see ppl walking everywhere with a phone in their hand and seeing ppl you’re talking to on the phone? Did you ever think in your wildest dreams, you would live to see a Black President?”Daddy, would answer and his reply would turn into a sermon, lol… as he replied, “Naw I never did baby doll, but we serve a God that has given man so much wisdom, God is a good GOD. Look at GOD! And then he would get so happy and start quoting his scriptures.
I thank God for having an anointed, saved, sanctified daddy WHO TAUGHT US TO BELIEVE, HAVE FAITH AND TO ALWAYS PRAY and to live righteous, as he STRONGLY EXEMPLIFIED THESE attributions in his life, we were led by his example. We had family prayer in the home on a regular basis, before prayer he would lead us with the song, “Don’t forget the family prayer, Jesus going to meet you there, now when you gather in the evening…don’t forget the family prayer.” And yes, dad would take 15 minutes and more to say grace and a long prayer before our thanksgiving dinners. My mother would have the table set and the food spread on the the table, we had to endure the long prayers before we could indulge… LOL
I’M GRATEFUL FOR ALL MY SIBLINGS, Byron, Arnold, Marvin, Stephen and Carletta, their spouses, my husband, and all the grand children, because we all played a major role at different points in his life in making sure dad was fine and cared for.
Due to circumstantial issues, we moved in with dad several years ago. Dad health was ok at the time. I remember speaking to one of my mentors, a sanctified Godly woman, telling her that I was back home with dad. Her words was—“good that’s where you belong, right there with your dad Sis McDonald…he’s going to need you.” Not knowing later, that his health would alter and I would be his care-giver along with my brother Marvin. I cherish all the times we had together, the meaningful talks, the cries, the laughs, the daddy and daughter time, doctor visits, our bible time, etc. While caring for daddy, I would often hear him tell the LORD, “Lord I thank you for my daughter, BLESS HER LORD,” then he would say, you are a doll, My Rosie”, WOW would this put me on 10! THESE WERE SPECIAL DADDY N DAUGHTER MOMENTS, that I will never forget.
HIS WALK –my daddy had this strideful walk, like none other, it’s hard to describe but it was exceptional. It was like a million dollar walk to me. He walked like he was saying “ I know I am somebody”and indeed he was. Every where daddy went he was loved, At his dialysis center, he was affectionately called “Mr.President” they adored him and took great care for him.
His walk with the LORD, was truly a real one. He talked with GOD all the time and GOD communed with him in many various ways, dreams, visions, and in a small still voice as welland sometimes a loud urgent voice. I remember when we was living on the north side of Chicago, we were all sleep at night and the HOLY GHOST shouted out,“THE DOOR!!!!” Daddy jumped up and got my brothers Byron and Arnold, as they approached the living room, someone had pried the window open and was trying to unlock the door to get in. The intruders immediately ran, as daddy and my brothers approached the room.
I’m going to use daddy’s word Mystifying! Daddy had a walk with the LORD that was mystifying.
Just to name a couple of instances… I remember after Mother-dear went home to be with he LORD, Daddy had a dream, in this dream was a crystal clear river. Mother-dear was on one side and he was on the other side. This river was between them, she beckoned for him to cross over to the side where she was. He shook his head no and gave her a no no wave. He told us, that he believed the LORD was giving him an opportunity to join Mother-dear since he missed her so much. But told the LORD, “LORD I need to stay here to pray for my family, my children, God I need to intercede for the people. This was a walk where God gave him opportunities that he could choose from. I also remember him saying he saw in a dream an angel that came into the room where he was staying and beckoned for to come to him. He also stated he wasn’t ready to leave this earth yet. This spiritual walk was a tremendous communal walk with His God, whereas Goddemonstrated his concern and care for him.
AS A HUSBAND – Daddy was a loving husband to my motherfor over 36 years. He cherished every moment and he loved our“Mother-dear so much and was so willing to do all he could for her. We never could say he was abusive to her in any way. We could see the love between them and how inseparable they were. I can imagine her meeting him at the gates of heaven.
AS A FATHER - My Father had a loving and embraceable spirit to others, he adopted many as being a spiritual father to many! He often addressed many as his sons and daughters. Even if he couldn’t remember your name he called you daughter, or wouldsay, hi my son!
Daddy was a great provider for his family. He was a hard worker, there was a time when he worked 2 jobs to support his family. He worked many years on his job, very seldom taking time off, except for vacation time.
He was a family man and we will never forget the vacations and trips he took us on. As children we never really lacked for anything. We were always dressed nice, there was ALWAYS plenty of food on the table and in the freezer. I remember when him and mom decided it was time to move from the north sideof chicago they purchased a lot on the far south side and built the family home providing a safe haven for his family. There are so many things I could go on and on, so I’ll pause here. I wish he could have lived to be 💯!! But I believe God was ready for him and I believe he was ready to be with the LORD! The scripture says to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.