What a man! What a man! What a mighty, anointed , full of wisdom and consistent lovable man. When our daughter Tiffani was adopted into this family , “ALL” of us was adopted. Over 15plus years ago, first person out of Tiffani’s mouth was “Pop”. Mom and daddy you gotta meet Pop. Woooooow!!! were we soooooo blest to have enjoyed him as well as numerous benefits. one specific moment in the church is when Bishop and I came up there and the Holy Ghost moved up in the house. Pop was sitting in his chair giving GOD praise. A specific time outside the church is his bday party at my twin and brothers house. Again pops was sitting in his chair giving GOD praise. Truly we believe that POPs is with GOD and grandma YET GIVING our GOD PRAISE. This lets me to believe that in his legacy he yet want us to give GOD PRAISE!!!!!! From your son
Bishop & Lady Franklin B. Bourn , grandchildren and great grand. We love you and will see you in GLORY. You will be missed. But NEVER forgotten